Computer based real time system
DEFINITION: A real-time system is one that must process information and produce a response within a specified time, else risk severe consequences, including failure. That is, in a system with a real-time constraint it is no good to have the correct action or the correct answer after a certain deadline • Hard real-time systems • An overrun in response time leads to potential loss of lifeand/or big financial damage • Many of these systems are considered to be safetycritical. • Sometimes they are “only” mission critical, with themission being very expensive. • In general there is a cost function associated with thesystem • Soft real-time systems Deadline overruns are tolerable, but not desired.• There are no catastrophic consequences of missing oneor more deadlines. • There is a cost associated to overrunning, but this costmay be abstract. • Often connected to Quality-of-Service (QoS) • Firm teal-time systems • The computation is...