The 8086 System Bus Structure

1. What are the advantages of Coprocessor?

i) It is a high performance data processor.
ii) It follows IEEE floating point standard.
iii) It is multibus compatible.

2.What is meant by loosely coupled configuration?

Loosely coupled system consists of different modules. Each module may consists of an 8086, an another processor capable of being a bus master, or processor or closely coupled configuration. Normally each processor has its own local memory and I/O devices, to which other processors do not have direct access. But they can share system resources.

3. What is the function of LOCK and RQ/ GT signals?

LOCK signal indicates that an instruction with a clock prefix is being executed and the bus is being executed and the bus is not to be used by another processor. RQ / GT signals are sampled at the rise edge of the clock pulse.

4. How does CPU differentiate the 8087 instructions from its own instructions?

8087 instructions can be distinguished from 8086 instructions by letter F which stands for floating point number. All mneumonics in 8087 begins with letter F. It has 68 instructions.

5 In what ways are the microprocessor and co-processor differ from each other?

A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable logic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory accepts binary data as input and processes data according to those instructions and provides result as output .
The Coprocessor is a processor which is specially designed processor to work under the control of the processor and to support special processing capabilities.

6 Compare closely coupled configuration features with loosely coupled configuration features.
closely coupled configuration features:

A multiprocessor system with common Shared memory.
i) Parallelism can be implemented less efficiently.
ii) System structure is less flexible.
Loosely coupled configuration features
i) A multiprocessor system has its own Private local memory
ii) Parallelism can be implemented more efficiently.
iii) System structure is more flexible.

7 List any four 8087 data formats.

i) Word integer
ii) Short integer
iii) Short real
iv) Long real

8. What are the features of closely coupled multiprocessor systems?

i)A multiprocessor system with common Shared memory.
ii) Parallelism can be implemented less efficiently.
ii) System structure is less flexible.


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