
Showing posts from March 6, 2018

Titanic datset

Step 1 - Data preprocessing and Data cleaning in Titanic Dataset In this blog, I am going to demonstrate how to do a simple machine learning project. I hope you all known what is machine learning and other theoretical stuff. Let's jump to a practical exploration.For this tutorial, I have a taken titanic dataset from Kaggle I will attach the link below. Kaggle link for Dataset: Github link:  Project link To do an ML project we want to separate our data into two categories such as train and test. We will apply all our analysis and algorithm to train data we will test the output test data I have used python and Jupyter notebook.The main packages I have used is pandas and numpy for these steps.These steps are very basic and it can be applicable to most of the ML and data visualisation project.I have attached my GitHub link and youtube link for the better understanding. The things that are covered are: 1) How to read CSV fil...