How to do web scraping using python?
In this tutorial, I am going to do web scraping using python.Before jumping to web scraping let know what is the use of it.Web scraping is extracted the data from the website using script.Why should we do this? because consider a situation If you want to get Flipkart or Amazon all product list then manually typing all product name is excel sheet is impossible to do this automatically we write a script to download all product name store in csv, excel or JSON format. Now let's see the necessary package to write this script.In Python, we use BeautifulSoup,urllib2, pandas. To do this example I take moneycontrol website ( is a famous website for all funds, the stock market and shares etc. In this website, I going to scrap RELIANCE TOP 200 FUND - RETAIL PLAN (G) data.Let's jump into the code!! I have to give website Link below to scarp the data Link: