The Role of the Repository in I-CASE
The repository for an I-CASE environment is the set of mechanisms and data
structures that achieve data/tool and data/data integration. It provides the obvious
functions of a database management system, but in addition, the repository performs
or precipitates the following functions :
• Data integrity includes functions to validate entries to the repository, ensure
consistency among related objects, and automatically perform "cascading"
modifications when a change to one object demands some change to objects related
to it.
• Information sharing provides a mechanism for sharing information among multiple
developers and between multiple tools, manages and controls multiuser access to
data and locks or unlocks objects so that changes are not inadvertently overlaid on
one another.
• Data/tool integration establishes a data model that can be accessed by all tools in
the I-CASE environment, controls access to the data, and performs appropriate
configuration management functions.
• Data/data integration is the database management system that relates data
objects so that other functions can be achieved.
• Methodology enforcement defines an entity-relationship model stored in the
repository that implies a specific paradigm for software engineering; at a minimum,
the relationships and objects define a set of steps that must be conducted to build
the contents of the repository.
• Document standardization is the definition of objects in the database that leads
directly to a standard approach for the creation of software engineering documents.
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